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26/11/2022 - ∞
WIP Game Engine in C++ and Vulkan
Tags : #C++ #Vulkan #GameEngine
15/09/2022 - 02/07/2023
Social network for artists and art lovers
Tags : #Mobile #Application #Flutter #TypeScript #Dart
09/05/2023 - 07/06/2023
iOS mobile application to browse movies
Tags : #Mobile #Application #Swift #iOS
15/10/2022 - 01/11/2022
Python-based 2D physics simulation of celestial bodies
Tags : #Python #Physics #Simulation #2D
04/04/2022 - 29/07/2022
Website to help high school students in their orientation
Tags : #Web #Vue.js #Firebase #GCP
07/02/2022 - 03/04/2022
Escape Game in VR in the basement of Cégep de Matane
Tags : #Unity #C# #3DGame #VirtualReality #OpenXR
16/01/2022 - 10/04/2022
Artificial intelligence by reinforcement in Unity
Tags : #Unity #C# #3DGame #MLAgent #HAVE #MachineLearning
10/11/2021 - 21/12/2021
Mobile application for outdoor sports enthusiasts
Tags : #Mobile #Application #TypeScript #ReactNative #firebase #Sport
26/09/2021 - 17/03/2022
Airplane simulation game
Tags : #Unity #C# #3DGame #Simulation #Airplane
30/07/2021 - 11/03/2021
Catalogue of astronomical objects for amateurs
Tags : #QT #C++ #Astronomy #database #SQLite
26/03/2021 - 13/06/2021
2D platformer in pixel art
Tags : #Unity #C# #2DGame #PixelArt #Platformer
18/02/2021 - 19/03/2021
2D platform game with logic and strategy
Tags : #Unity #C# #2DGame #Platformer
11/07/2019 - ∞
ISS Interactive Viewer
Tags : #Blender #3D #UnrealEngine #ISS