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Let me introduce myself

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1. Skills and technologies

Key skills

  • Software development

    Partly self-taught and partly at school, I learned over the years to design and create computer programs.

  • Algorithmic

    With my cartesian mind, I love designing algorithms that I use in my projects. Curious, I also like to understand the mathematics behind the technologies I use every day.

  • Problem solving

    I often define my job as a series of problems to be solved. It is extremely important for me to know how to define, analyze and propose a solution to these problems.

  • Project management

    Around me, I am recognized for my skills in this area. Both technically with Git versioning and humanly with the distribution of tasks and Agile or Scrum methods.

  • Video game development

    During my training, I learned to use a game engine such as Unity or Unreal Engine in 2D as well as 3D or even in virtual reality.

  • DevOps

    As a great self-hosting enthusiast, I learned to deploy, maintain and administer server-based services mainly on my own.


  • -icon


    High perfomance applications with a good level of abstraction and multithreading, GUI (with QT and WXWidget), image rendering algorithms, game development.

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    High speed web backends, artificial Intelligence, concurent low level programming.

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    High speed web backends

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    Image rendering algorithms, artificial intelligence (with TensorFlow, PyTorch and Scikit Learn), computer vision (with OpenCV), data visualization (with Matplotlib).

  • -icon


    Version control, project management, code review (with Github and Gitlab)

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    2D, 3D and VR game development

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    Relational databases

    MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite

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    Non-relational databases

    Firebase, MongoDB

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    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, VueJS and React

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    Actix web, Gin, NodeJS, Express, NestJS

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    Containerization, Docker compose, Docker swarm

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    Infrastructure as code, cloud computing (on Hetzner, OpenStack and GCP)

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    Configuration management, deployment automation

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    3D modelling

    Blender and 3DSMax

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    Adobe suite

    Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro


  • Bonjour


    // Native speaker

  • Hello


    // Fluent in professional and personal communication

    // European level C1

  • Guten Tag


    // Basic knowledge

    // European level A2

Download my resume

Resume Thumbnail

2. Interests


From a very young age, I have been passionate about the stars with the desire to learn more about our universe. I practice amateur astronomy in a club which allows me to meet other people who share the same hooby.


Initiated by my father, I also like to create my own electronic circuits, in particular with the help of Arduino boards or Raspberry Pi. It is for me a concrete application of computer science, I find it motivating and formative.


I am passionate about science of all kinds, physics, biology, etc. and I like to learn more about our world. Moreover, with my Cartesian mind, I greatly appreciate the scientific method.


Hating doing nothing, I have always practiced at least one sport. Beyond the physical aspect, it helps me detach myself from my screens and my work. Swimming, fencing, mountain biking, climbing, scuba diving and paragliding, I ended up developing a passion for risky sports. They taught me to control my stress and to analyze each situation without panicking.

3. Formation

  • 2026


    Master's degree in computer science

    ISIMA, Aubière, France

    Skills acquired:

    • Software engineering
    • Artificial intelligence
    • Big data infrastructure
    Visit school website
  • 2023


    Professional certification in artificial intelligence CS50 AI (online)

    Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

    Skills acquired:

    • Machine learning
    • Optimization
    • Logic
    • Probabilities
    • Python
    • Scikit-learn
    • TensorFlow
    Visit school website
  • 2023


    Professional bachelor's degree in multiplatform computer development

    Université Savoie Mont Blanc & L'école by CCI, Annecy, France

    Skills acquired:

    • Programming (Java, C, JavaScript, PHP and C#)
    • Database (MySQL and Postgres)
    • Mobile devices (Swift, Java for Android and cross platform technologies)
    • Algorithmic methodology, UML modeling, design pattern
    • Security, testing and validation
    • Communication (writing specifications or documentation, law and intellectual property)
    • Project management (methodology, modeling and production planning)
    • Technical and professional English
    • IoT
    • Collective project in competition
    Visit school website
  • 2022


    International mobility in Quebec for the last semester of DUT

    Cégep de Matane, Matane, QC Canada

    Skills acquired:

    • Risk analysis and prevention in IT security
    • Virtual reality game/simulation development
    • Development of a portfolio/personal website
    • Project maintenance
    • Cloud computing and deployment of web servers: Amazon Web Services (AWS)
    • Evolutionary artificial intelligence
    Visit school website
  • 2022


    Technological university degree in computer science specialized in digital imaging

    Institute of Technology (IUT) of the Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA), Le Puy-en-Velay, France

    Skills acquired:

    • Application development (C++, Qt)
    • Advanced computing in digital imaging (Python, 3D mathematics)
    • Design of real-time 3D applications (Unity, C#)
    • Architecture and programming of the basic mechanisms of a computer system (C++)
    • Backend web programming: Javascript/TypeScript with the React Native and Express framework
    • Frontend web programming: HTML, CSS and JavaScript
    • Management of relational databases: MySQL
    • Non-relational database management: Firebase
    • Discrete mathematics, linear algebra
    • English and IT
    • Production of 2D and 3D assets (Affinity Designer, 3dsMax, Substance Painter)
    Visit school website
  • 2020


    Scientific baccalauréat specialized in computer science

    Polyvalent high school Saint Jacque de Compostelle, Le Puy-en-Velay, France

    Skills acquired:

    Visit school website