VR Escape Game

Escape Game in VR in the basement of Cégep de Matane

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01. Info

Status: Completed

Dates: 07/02/2022 - 03/04/2022


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    // 3D Modeling Software

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    // Game Engine

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    // Programming language

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    // Hardware Interaction Framework for VR


  • Aled-picksel

    // Unity VR Developer

  • CreatibOfficiel

    // Unity VR Developer

  • Me

    // Unity VR Developer and 3D Modeler

03. Presentation


The game is a VR Escape Game made in a team of 3 as part of my last semester of IUT in Canada.
The story takes place in the basements of the Cégep de Matane or the The player finds himself stuck in a heavy and dark atmosphere. To get out, he must solve several puzzles in order to restore the power to operate the freight elevator, an iconic artifact of the Cégep residence and well known to students.


To start, we gathered a large amount of assets to allow us to quickly create the 3D environment of our game.
I was then responsible for integrating these assets into Unity so that it is compatible with the engine and easily usable.
There was also quite a lot of 3D modeling work, especially on the level of the lift, which had to be reproduced as faithfully as possible. I used photogrammetry techniques to "scan" the real lift and reproduce it in 3D using a smartphone and a computer.
Then, we integrated VR mechanisms such as teleportation, hands or even the physical interactions between objects.
Finally, we added the gameplay elements and puzzles to make the game playable.We still used a little 3D modeling for custom assets and a lot of work to make the features work ments of the objects of the puzzles.

Level up

  • Developing VR games with Unity and open XR
  • Strengthening my knowledge of Unity 3D
  • Project management, version management and workflow with lots of high definition assets


Within the time limit and the significant material constraints, we did not go as far as we would have liked for this project. Despite everything, I am very satisfied with the result, the teamwork and our determination to solve problems.